Monday, March 9, 2009

Northern California Tea Party - April 15th

As you may be aware, there is a movement afoot to organize 'Tea Parties' - in honor of the Boston Tea Party - to protest the socialist, big-government, collectivist/altruist agenda being put forth in Washington.

The next tea party close to us is planned for April 15th in Sacramento, from 12 noon - 3 pm. We are planning to participate with a GGO presence, and would like for more people to join the cause.

Here is a link to the organizing group with more details:
You'll need to get on Facebook to be able to communicate with them directly - the site above provides a link to the Facebook page.

Several of us have discussed how we can best participate. We would like to:
  • Show up with a meaningful group - at least a dozen or so people, between GGO and the local campus groups
  • Provide a clear message - with posters highlighting the ethical question, and drawing attention to Ayn Rand and ARI: consistent content, and lay-out (we could have a get-together to jointly make the posters prior to the event)
  • Get some media attention to the Objectivist, principled opposition as an alternative to the ad-hoc, economics-only perspective of most conservatives
If you are interested in participating, please e-mail us at goldengateobjectivists at Please provide your name, phone number, e-mail, whether you will be going to Sacramento and/or whether you can help with posters a week or so prior, whether you are driving and have space to take others (from where?) or whether you are looking for a ride (from where?) We will put together a list, and keep everybody who signs up posted via e-mail, in addition to posting on this blog.

We can do our final coordination - including sharing posters and meet-up info - on our regular meeting on April 11th - so plan to join us for that.