Thursday, March 5, 2009

GGO - becoming active again

Those of you who have been involved with GGO in the past know that the group has been dormant for the past 18 months or so. The key organizers were all busy with their 'other lives' - completing business projects and moves, starting new careers, and founding new families.
With some of these items under control, and with the urgency and motivation of taking action against the horrible decisions coming out of Washington these days, we are now resurrecting the group. We are:
  • Transferring the online presence to Blogger (this site) to make posting easier and more timely
  • Starting a regular, bi-monthly (maybe monthly at some point) standing meetings, to make it easier for people to plan to participate
  • Moving the e-mail to gmail - to bring all of our online presence under one roof (web site, online discussion group, and e-mail contact)
  • Looking for input, thoughts and volunteers to take on organizing roles to make the group be more real.
We would like to see you at one of the next meetings - the first one will be on April 11th at 10 am, at Doyle Street Cafe in Emeryville (, they have a back room we can use). We plan to hold regular bi-monthly meetings at the same location & time, every 2nd Saturday of even months. We will plan other, ad-hoc meetings as well - see other post on the Sacramento Tea Party as an example. If enough people are interested, we can also plan another series of bi-monthly meetings for early Sunday dinners at some convenient location for odd-numbered months. (Suggestions for locations are welcome - should be easy to reach via car, central Bay Area location, and ideally easy by public transport, too, with a private room if we have enough people.)

If you want to be notified of activities, please ensure we have your e-mail address - e-mail us at goldengateobjectivists at

We look forward to seeing you soon - and to working together to get an Objectivist voice heard in the Bay Area and Northern California.