Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party - Successful Event

Today, about a dozen Golden Gate Objectivists participated in the Tax Day Tea Party in San Francisco. We showed up with flags, and a half dozen coordinated posters. I would guess about 600-800 people were at the event, which was very peaceful and outright beautiful, on a nice sunny day in a wonderful setting.

We all felt it was great to be out there, speaking our minds - and most of all, getting the message about Ayn Rand and the Ayn Rand Center out to a receptive audience. All of us had numerous people come up to us throughout the event, talking about how Ayn Rand should be read by everybody. I had a chance to make a few brief comments - and received loud cheers at the mention of Ayn Rand, and her quote about taking up the moral fight for capitalism. We also passed out about 200 flyers, promoting Atlas Shrugged and ARC editorials on the financial crisis and Ayn Rand's relevance - to very receptive recipients.

Overall, I think this was a very successful first event for the relaunched GGO - and I look forward to doing more of these, and having more of you participate.

Here's a short video of the event, to give you a better idea: